Once upon a time, while browsing thru my usual monthly indulgence..gatai lar tangan nak nengok department cosmetology pasal supply i dah habes kann....dulu ada lar pakai jenama M (yg 3 alphabet tuhh)...katanya mineral....tapi...didn't gel well with my skin...jadik rashes....but i know that mineral cosmetic is supposed 2 b good...pasal mineral kann...pastuh...awat naik rashes??? Dah mcm2 larr pakai dulu...brand BB, brand EL, brand C...brand C yg lain....R,L,M...dll....mcm2 dahh...pendek kata A-Z brand dah cover...dari harga semahal2nya sampai semurah2nya....tapi, i didn't gv up...blum jodoh kut dgn yg serasi...i look harder...& recent findings menampakkan tanda2 light at the end of the tunnel.....
Enter Mineral Cosmetics
...Dr. Google i suggest 1 local distributor website..but they're all imported brands...apalagi...i pun cekout lar kan...pasal my website yg earlier to kat oberC...yg ni local, distributor katanya...ada lar dlm 6 brands yg dia carry...belek3x...uiiissshhhh...boleh order trial kit...lagi baguzz kannn....x de lar membazir duit beratus2 utk bedak sketul jerrr yg blum tentu boleh berkawan dgan skin kita kan......i pun oder larrr.....tapi i wat homework sampai 3 ari...maklumlarr...kena pastikan the shade is right!!! (tu lar yg payah bli online)1st day order & payment made...ding dong!...3rd day dah sampai. Wah! efficient!!! Kira2...eyyy...dpt xtra eyeshadow lagikk dia kasik...hehe..baiknyer hati....so, i got 3 brands of foundations, 1 finishing powder, 1 illuminizer, 1 bronzer, a baby kabuki brush &1 FOC eyeshadow. Semuanya mini size (trial size kannn...) & i paid less than RM75 only!!! (wahh...selamat kocek makk!!!). Now...
Enter The Skin Background (Kulit berusia 'Senja')
1st day dpt products, 1st day lak tu my 'monthly friend' dtg visit (of course lar ada zits), skin baru scrub, baru threaded facial hair...so, u can imagine betapa sensitipnyer skin masa tu...apa lagi...trus experiment! X sesabar dahhhh!!! Pakai lak dari 1pm sampai 1 am (siap pakai makeup masak lauk sahur tuhhh!)..hehe...padahhh!!!
Enter The Verdict!
Untuk standard i yg dah bermacam2 cuba ni kan....not bad larrr....in fact! Not bad at all! Saya berpuashati...Aplikasinya mudah...instruction sgt friendly (siap graphic lagi, kat website) and for an oily face like mine...it's good and looks natural...rata (lupa lak nak cite...sumer dlm bentuk loose powder yerr). The baby Kabuki Brush tu...uhhhh..tersangat lembut nyer....jatuh cinta i dgn brush tu!!! Containers nya kecik2...but ok larr...1 thing about mineral makeup ni...applicationnya is based on 'less is more'. Suka nya i....more for my poket lar kan! hikhik..Not Cakey, not patchy...sangat rata dan yang paling PENTING....my skin got along well with them!!! Dah pakai almost a week and almost everyday pakai sampai past midnite, NO RASHES, NO ITCHINESS, NIL ZITS & TIDAK MELEKAT DI PAKAIAN..nak solat pun senang utk maintain..pasal dia light kan....dan muka i pun x lar nampak mcm Chinese Opera dek ketebalan foundation....
i rasa if your skin is normal or dry, you'd look great in them...in terms of oil control, kureng sikit lar....although i noted that the amount of oil production masa the makeup is on is really less lar....x macam dulu....not bad at all...after all these years, ni lar 1st time i berpuashati dengan my makeup....bab oil control tu jer nak kena improve sikit..habes tuhh my face nyer oil production lakk mcm leh jadik KFC nya frying oil supplier...tapi dah kira ok banget lar nih...& the price...REALLY AFFORDABLE!!! u cekout larrr...
4 stars (out of 5)
Moving Forward
Out of 3 brands of foundations, 2 brands je yg i suka (Lumiere & Everyday Minerals)...lagi 1 tu 'cakey' sikit...so....not for me. shades are all ok, if you're not sure, email them and they'd reply u back. i'll definitely order the actual size soon. Love them!!! But do a lot of homework on mineral cosmetics...the applications, tips and ingredients and owwwwhhhh....i dah tau dah kenapa byk makeup yg i x leh guna.....coz they use talc & Bismuth Oxychloride in their ingredients...even in some mineral makeup also.....2 ni lar merupakan culpritnya....@ least my current makeup do not contain these ingredients....thank God!
Selamat Berpuasa & Happy Xperimenting!!!!