...manusia berpegang pada janjinya....hence...Ellie, Paul & Ida...here u go....& tak sampai seminggu lagi nihhh!!! The secret ingredient.....u know Oak Galls rite....or better known as Manjakani by the Malays & Indians (or by its botanical name Quercus Infectoria)...there u go...no secret larrr! 1 of the website dat i visited actually states that:-
Studies have shown that manjakani is rich in tannins, vitamin A and C, calcium, and gallic acid, fiber, protein and carbohydrates. Besides that, manjakani also contains the elements of astringency, anti-microbes, and anti-inflammatory. The anti-oxidants in manjakani reduce the process of aging. Gallic Acid can help in preventing diabetes and asthma. Due to the rich contents of tannins in manjakani, it is widely used in the traditional medicine especially in healing external tissue damage and also tightening the vagina muscle. Research also shown that the astringent properties in manjakani can help restore the vaginal tissue growth, strength and elasticity. Astringent in manjakani helps for a smoother skin and also prevents acne. Astringent also helps in preventing dry and oily skin. Astringent properties also helps in eliminating bacterial, yeast and fungal infection, the main causes of itching and unpleasant odors in the intimate area. Due to fibres which contains in manjakani, it helps in preventing constipation. Vitamins, minerals, carbohydrate, and protein are also beneficial for a healthy life style.
So...now i'll tell u how to go about it....been using this for *ehemm* for quite some time..on and off....but this time, i'm more interested to share with u on its other benefits. Of late ni kan weather very the larrrr HOT...so, banyak alien2 baru yang sangat suka tumbuh secara mendadak kat muka larr, leher larr, @ my back larr...etc..etc...rashes larrr...ada yg kecik & ada yang besar....very uneasy dibuatnya....itchy giler...especially bila berpeluh.....cehhhh....x tahan...dah cuba macam2. Dari drugs (i mean medical lar kan...) to....entah....dah x terkata! Last2 experiment sendiri coz tetiba stumble upon articles on Manjakani nih...this is called BLINDING OF THE OBVIOUS!!! & the word that captured my attention is "Astringent"!!!
Apa lagi..mak pun rebus lar beberapa bijik manjakani ni dengan air...bila dah menggelegak, let it cool down and then minum 1 gelas (1st thing in d morning & b4 bed), balance taruk dlm spray bottle, keep 1 in the toilet (for rinsing Miss "V") & another spray bottle to be used for my face (s toner) & body.
Every time lepas mandi, lap badan kasik kering, then spray 2 yr face (like when u use facial toner) and body, especially tempat2 yg ber'possibility' utk alien2 landing. Let it dry @ room temperature & then u can use yr normal moisturiser/body lotion.
Alhamdulillah...d very next day, i feel much better, alien2 pun dah kering...now is just the matter of how to clear those scars jerrrr...(sedap giler lar garu masa 'itchy' tu kan...). A friend told me that 4 those people yg suffer from 'Jerawat Batu' (yg besor2 & terbonjol tuh..) can just ambil d manjakani & asah blakang lesung batu, basahkan dgn air sikit (very2 little) & sapu terus kat those pimples....very potent I heard!!!
Banyak lagi benefits manjakani ni i baca....i suggest u get in touch with Dr. Google yerrr...
Sooooo.....utk Ellie, Paul & Ida....selamat mencuba!!!!!